Hey there, Monkey Brain

Finding stillness is hard.

Case in point: the folks in this study actually opted to give themselves a jolt rather than endure 15 minutes of idle sitting. Yet, it's crucial for us to break free from our need to never be bored.

Here’s why we nurture a sitting practice:

  • It breaks the tendency of tying self-worth to your productivity – that pesky ego-driven need for approval, aka asmita.

  • We take back the reins from unconscious, automatic thinking – those whirlwind thoughts, chitta vrittis, that keep on spinning (until you purposely notice them.)

  • It's an act of defiance against the attention-extraction economy. We're laying claim to a quiet moment despite the non-stop dinging of our devices. Hello, ahimsa; disruption of harm.

Meditation is your ultimate rebellion against the forces of depletion. Please join us in stillness after every Led Primary class!


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